"Top Right Corner"
Poster size is 18 inches by 13 inches.
Poster size is 18 inches by 13 inches.
Poster size is 18 inches by 13 inches.
"Top Right Corner" is an homage to a particular habit that I developed as a Montessori student—writing my name and date on every piece of paper. Whether a final essay or a sheet of notes, your name and date were always expected. Twelve years later, I credit most of my organization strategies to my time in Montessori schools. As a freelancer, organization, time management, and advocating for oneself are hugely important and I believe these skills are a direct result of my Montessori upbringing. Visually, the print mimics a lined piece of paper, while bringing together elements from a stapled childhood drawing, a Chicago underpass, and a Google Maps screenshot of the woods that line the northern edge of Princeton Montessori School, where I attended second through eighth grade.” - Victoria Marie Barquin