Educational Capital

The BMEF offers Educational Capital Grants to educational leaders and Montessori pioneers who are passionate about bringing Montessori into under-served black communities and are in need of more resources to make it happen.

Scholarships are given up to a maximum of $2,500 per applicant to those who have already started or have a plan to start a Montessori program in their community and who can provide proof of interest from community members. This includes Montessori schools (public, charter, and private), playgroups, home schools, and also Teacher Training Centers.

In addition to these scholarships, the BMEF aims to provide mentorship/support and other resources to our recipients in order to support them in achieving success with their Montessori programs. Montessori in Action has generously offered to donate their Building Resilient Montessori Schools course to our Educational Capital winners.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Identify as Black

  • Proof of necessary educational and Montessori background to start a program

  • A comprehensive plan for your program, including evidence of support from the community

  • An itemized list/budget showing break down of the proposed use of funds

  • Are not affiliated with the Wildflowers Schools network

Preference will be given to those who are already in or past the implementation stage of their plan.

This year’s educational capital winners