Black Montessori
Education Fund
Making Montessori more accessible for the Black community.
Invest in equitable access to holistic education
Montessori education has become synonymous with privilege, whiteness, and the higher class—but this was not what Dr. Montessori had in mind when she developed her revolutionary educational method more than 110 years ago in the slums of Italy. Yet, in the modern-day US, Montessori schools severely lack diversity. In fact, Black children make up only 6% of the population in Montessori schools.
We aim to change that and to bring Montessori back to its roots by removing the financial barrier that contributes to the under-representation of Black educators, children, and families in Montessori programs. We actively work to provide resources, mentorship, advocacy, and safe spaces for Black educators, educational pioneers, and families in Montessori.
Increase diversity and inclusion in Montessori
Currently, only 9% of Montessori educators in the US identify as Black — and Black children in the US are more likely to attend high-poverty schools with nearly half attending schools where 75% of the population qualifies for free and reduced lunch.
Your support will directly contribute to ensuring Black children and teachers get access to quality education and enriching Montessori teacher training programs and schools around the world. The BMEF is committed to supporting aspiring Black Montessori teachers, students, administrators, and researchers through our scholarship opportunities.
Click the button below to learn more and see our current opportunities.

Donate today to help us create a more equitable future for Black educators, children, and families
Hear from our recipients
Some of Our Sponsors

Ella Jo Baker "Transforming Systems" Sponsor

Ella Jo Baker "Transforming Systems" Sponsor
Maya Angelou "Still I Rise" Sponsor
Maya Angelou "Still I Rise" Sponsor

Ella Jo Baker "Transforming Systems" Sponsor

Maya Angelou "Still I Rise" Sponsor

Maya Angelou "Still I Rise" Sponsor
“An education capable of saving humanity is no small undertaking; it involves the spiritual development of humans, the enhancement of their value as individuals, and the preparation of young people to understand the times in which they live.”
—Dr. Maria Montessori